Basic plan is FREE, but you can add options on it as you needed. 

  Basic plan  FREE Options
Number of pages will be analyzed 1 page $3.00 each additional pages
Number of hits will be stored a day 1,000 hits/day 10,000 hits/day
Delivery by email FREE FREE
Monthly Report N/A Monthly report option - $3.00/month
Advertisement Space(180X180pixels) Required No advertisement option - $3.00/month

Basic plan application form

1 - Daily Activity Reports for one URL
2 - Analyze until 1000 page views / a day
3 - FREE. No additional cost.
Please enter the URL you want to analyze the traffic.
Advertisement space must be displayed on this page.


Example) My Home Page
Page Description

(up to 128

If you would like to analyze multiple pages, please apply Advanced plan

Email address you would like to receive Daily Activity Report


Agreement - please read the agreement carefully

I have read and agree to the agreement

Basic plan provides you the analysis for only one page (URL). If you would like to analyze multiple pages, please apply Advanced plan.

Advanced plan application form

This plan is not FREE, but designed for power users have following requirements.
1. Multiple pages need to be analyzed
2. Monthly Report is needed
3. Advertisement space shouldn't be displayed at our page.

After you apply Advanced plan, an estimate will be mailed within 24 hours.

Multiple Pages Analysis option
You already apply to analyze one FREE page in Basic plan, but you can request multiple pages by this option.
If you would like to analyze 4 pages, first page must be applied in Basic plan (FREE) and other 3 pages will be applied  in Advanced plan.
Another big advantage with this option is that you can store 10,000 log records / a day in our database. That means number of log record you can analyze is 10 times bigger than Basic plan. 

$3.00 / each additional page monthly.

If you order 4 pages, an estimation will be;
1st page  FREE - Basic plan
2nd page $3.00 - Multiple Pages Analysis option
3rd page $3.00 - Multiple Pages Analysis option
4th page $3.00 - Multiple Pages Analysis option
Total  $9.00 / month

I apply Multiple Pages Analysis option

Please enter all pages(URL) need to be analyzed.
Example) If 3 pages need to be analyzed, then enter as follows.

Monthly Report option
This option deliver you Monthly Report at end of every month.
All pages includes Basic plan you applied will be analyzed for Monthly Report.

$3.00 / each page monthly.

If you order 4 pages, an estimation will be;
1st page  $3.00 - Monthly Report option
2nd page $3.00 - Monthly Report option
3rd page $3.00 - Monthly Report option
4th page $3.00 - Monthly Report option
Total  $12.00 / month

I apply Monthly Report option

Refusing advertisement option
This option allows you to remove our advertisement space from you page. So you don't have to display our advertisement at all.


$3.00 monthly.

I apply No Advertisement plan
